About the Project

This project aims to disseminate good practices at European level through the training of trainers, who can provide digital skills, particularly for the use of social networks, applied to the labour market to disadvantaged adults.

As part of this project, all partners involved will gain insights into how our European neighbors are working with online and face to face educational formats.

All participants will be part of a European know-how transfer in the field of digital teaching and learning approaches between the participating adult education centres and various educational institutions.


This project idea was born from the will of the partnership to create an effective and repeatable model at European level of teaching new digital tools to adults, in particular the use of social networks.

Knowledge and exchange of the many different approaches to teaching techniques used by educators for disadvantaged adults

Allow adults to regularly strengthen their personal and professional skills through flexible and high quality learning in any time of life focusing on results, for effective adult integration.

Provide to the staff of the participating organizations different tools, skills and experience in order to improve their work in their associations and support the adult educators who work with disadvantaged adults


Achievement of relevant and high quality skills and competences üImplement and transfer innovative practices at local, regional,       national and European level

Support positive and long-lasting effects for participating organizations and individuals directly and indirectly involved ü üImprove and expand the offer of customized quality learning based on the needs of individual learners with low skills and less qualified in the digital environment ü üAllowing adults to widening their competencies and developing their skills throughout life

Increase life quality and creating a flexibility in working life

To train qualified educators who can help excluded adults or at risk of exclusion