We are facing certain times all over the world that have proven to all of us how important digital skills are in the modern world. Ljudska univerza Rogaška Slatina and its learners have been facing quite a lot of challenges in this area during the last two months. The main challenge the education organizers at the organization are facing is a different level of digital skills of their learners, which raises the question how to make learning opportunities equal for all, for those with lower and those with higher digital skills. Therefore, a lot of differentiation in education organization has been made and the lecturers are using various digital and other tools for involving as many learners as possible into educational sessions. The lecturers are using different online applications to carry out online group sessions and online classrooms for creating lessons and quizzes for the preparation for the final exam in the formal vocational programmes. At the moment, Univerza has also started offering online language courses. But the main challenge was keeping in touch with the members of the University for Third Age due to low levels of digital skills of senior participants. The problem is even bigger since their children and grandchildren cannot visit them to help them with setting up online tools and devices. Therefore, the contact is being kept with the help of ordinary phone messages and through exercise sent by regular mail, which enables equal treatment of all senior participants. So, everybody is doing their share to try to keep contact and to continue with the educational offer at our organization to learners of all ages.